I am available as a counselor in-person in my office in Chicago, as well as through video chat and old-fashioned phone calls.
- I believe that philosophical counseling should be affordable to people of various income levels. In this spirit, I follow the American Philosophical Practitioners Association in offering a sliding scale. For an individual, the rate is between $50 and $200 per session.
- To figure out your rate, begin with your gross household income. This is the combined income of you and a spouse or committed partner. Please include all forms of income: i.e. wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, interest, alimony, royalties, etc. If your household income varies significantly from year to year, please talk to me and we’ll figure something out. Once you know your gross annual household income, state it in thousands, and now, to calculate .1% of this number, drop the word ’thousand.” (For example, “One hundred and sixty three thousand" becomes “one hundred and sixty three”). Last step: Round it up to the nearest ten. (“One hundred and sixty three" becomes “One hundred and seventy”).
- Anyone who prefers not to deploy the rate scale may pay $200 per session.